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About the MIMCT-7A

Advanced Sensors Media Isolated Multi Chip Technology (MIMCT) 7A Series incorporates the latest mixed signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) with an oil isolated silicon gage to provide the standard for Industrial Transducers & Transmitters. The MIMCT 7A Series offers current, regulated and ratiometric outputs types along with a wide range of process fittings. The rugged design is compatible with a wide range of harsh media including refrigerants, compressed air, and hydraulic fluids. The designs superior performance provides 1% Total Error across a wide temperature range of -10 to 85°C. The flexible design incorporates many connector types making it the ideal choice for OEM customers.

MIMCT-7A Series

MIMCT-7A Series

(MCT) Multi Chip Technology

High Stability, Oil Filled Transmitter, Ratiometric, Regulated, 4-20mA Output Sensor for Corrosive Environment


- Industrial Transducer & Transmitter

- Hischmann, M12, Bendix Connectors

- Regulated, Ratiometric, Current Outputs

- NPT, G1/2, & BSP Threaded Ports

- Ratiometric 0.5 to 4.5 Transducer

- High Accuracy, Low Thermal Errors, 1% TEB

- 4-20mA Transmitter, Loop Power

- Analog Voltage Transducer

Great for .....

Roof Top Chillers

Energy & Water Management

Hydraulic Systems




±0.25 %FSS


±0.25 %FSS (Over 1 Year)

Hysteresis & Repeatabillity

±0.05 %FSS (Typical)

Conversion Time

1 mS


Operating Temperature

-40 to 125 ̊C

Compensated Temperature

-10 to 85 ̊C

Thermal Error, Offset

±0.4 %FSS (Typical)

Thermal Error, Span

± 0.2 %FSS



Regulated, Ratiometric, Current


10-28 Vdc / 2.7 - 5.5 Vdc / 10-28 Vdc


10% or 5% Vdd

Full Scale Span

0-5, 1-5, 1-6, 0-10 Vdc /0.5-4.5 Vdc/ 4-20mA

Maximum Ratings


35 Vdc

Storage Temperature

-50 to 150 ̊C

Over Pressure

3x Range

Media Compatibility

Liquids & Gases compatible with 316L

Model Number Configuration

Mechanical Dimensions


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